City Works to Improve Tree Canopy

The City of New Albany has been taking strides to protect and invest in our urban tree canopy. Earlier this year, the city received a $20,000 grant from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, as party of the 2016 Community and Urban Forestry Assistance grant project.

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*** Read more about the grant here: ***

As part of the grant, the city initiated a tree inventory to determine how many trees are part of the canopy, in addition to tree boxes and potential tree locations for future plantings. The inventory was recently completed, and 7777 trees and potential tree locations have been identified.

The city is now currently working on a long-term management and maintenance plan for the overall city tree canopy in an effort to grow a healthy, thriving urban forest.

“A long-term strategy is vital to improving the health and future of our hardwood tree population. The residents and our New Albany environment will benefit from these investments for many years to come,” stated Mayor Gahan.