2-way Streets Conversion Project Wins Transportation Excellence Award

The City of New Albany has been awarded the 2017 Kentucky-Indiana Transportation Excellence Award (KITE Award) from the Kentuckiana Regional Planning and Development Agency (KIPDA) for the East Spring Street and Silver Street Road Diet, and the conversion of the downtown grid system from one-way streets to two-way streets.

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KIPDA recognized and awarded the project with the KITE award, and in the application, four goals of the project were outlined:

1.     Ensure that the East Spring Street Corridor did not revert to highway levels of traffic volume and speed, and not become a toll-dodging solution that would compromise the residential character of the corridor.

2.     Ensure continued and adequate flow of vehiclular traffic on East Spring Street Corridor and other major downtown streets

3.     Provide for a safer, more walkable downtown area, while promoting safe and accessible bicycle use

4.     Enhance downtown as a “destination,” especially in ease of access and greater visibility

“I want to thank KIPDA for recognizing and awarding the conversion project with their annual KITE Award,” stated Mayor Gahan. “After many years of research, planning, and discussing the project with residents and business owners, we are proud of the final product and the benefits that it will bring.”

“I want to highlight and emphasize that the city did not rush to make a decision on the finalization of the conversion project. Instead, the city took its time and was methodical. The City also was not afraid to compromise and modify the plan as needed, especially when it came to changes prompted by the feedback received from residents. This project exemplifies how local government, community members, and contractors can come together to design the best plan for their city,” stated City Council President Patrick McLaughlin.

“I was a supporter for the two-way conversion from the beginning. The traffic has slowed and our building is more visible now. I believe it will help all downtown merchants,” stated Terry Middleton, owner of Terry Middleton’s Karate/Kickboxing/Boxing on Market Street.