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Mayor Gahan warns that COVID is worse than ever in Indiana and Floyd County. It is critical that we take proper precautions now.

COVID-19 rates continue to dramatically rise in Floyd County and Indiana. Here are the new positive cases found in Indiana just over the past few days:

November 12: 6,605 New Positive Cases

November 11: 5,041 New Positive Cases

November 10: 4,866 New Positive Cases.

These numbers are drastically higher than what we have been seeing. For reference, in late March, the Governor issued a Stay at Home Order from March 25 through April 7. On March 25th, only 113 new positive cases were found.

The positivity rate also is climbing to its highest numbers since late April. Indiana showed 20.4% positivity between October 30 and November 5. In Floyd County during that time, the positivity rate was 18.4%. Additionally, the positivity rate for the “younger than 18” population in Floyd County has more than doubled in the past month, rising to 15.38%.

Mayor Gahan warns conditions are not improving but instead they are getting worse. We all must: Limit Social Activity, Wear a Mask, Wash Your Hands Frequently, and Stay at Least Six Feet Apart.

Let’s all do our part to keep our friends, family, and city safe.


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Indiana reached its highest daily count of new COVID-19 cases over this past weekend. Here are the daily reported counts over the past few days:

Monday October 12th – 1574

Sunday October 11th – 1570

Saturday October 10th – 1925

Friday October 9th – 1834

This makes nearly 140,000 Hoosiers who have been diagnosed with COVID-19. 1602 of those cases are in Floyd County.

The City of New Albany continues to ask its residents to wear face masks when in public, stay 6 feet apart, wash your hands often.

For more information about laws governing COVID-19 in the State of Indiana, see this document: https://backontrack.in.gov/files/BoT_Stage5_Stage5REVISED_2020-09-24.pdf

Important Deadlines for Absentee Ballots

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If residents are planning on voting absentee, there are a couple of important deadlines coming up.

An absentee ballot is a vote cast by someone who is unable to attend an official polling station. A resident must submit an application for an absentee ballot. They will then receive an election ballot in the mail, and must return their completed election ballot through mail.

The Floyd County Clerk’s office must receive your APPLICATION for an absentee ballot by October 22, 2020 at 11:59 pm.

You can request an application through this link: https://indianavoters.in.gov/

You can also download this application from the county clerk’s website, print, fill it out, and return by mail: https://floydcountyclerk.org/images/pdf/2020/ABS-Revised-2020-Application.pdf

Most reports indicate an increase in the amount of voters that will be utilizing absentee ballots this year, and due to this surge, the Indiana Secretary of State recommends that you submit an application for an absentee ballot no later than October 19th to ensure that the clerk receives it in time.

Once you receive your absentee ballot, the city of New Albany is encouraging residents to return their completed ballot as soon as possible to ensure that their vote is counted.

For additional information about voting, you can call the Voter Registration Office at 812-948-5419.

COVID-19 Update: Governor's Executive Order Extended Through November 1st

The city of New Albany will continue to operate under Governor Holcomb’s public health disaster emergency executive order which has been extended through Nov 1, 2020 unless further renewed. The city will continue to operate with reduced and alternating schedules. We will continue to encourage the wearing of masks, keeping proper social spacing, and frequent hand washing. New Albany is more densely populated than many parts of the state of Indiana, which can present more opportunities to promote the spread of the virus. We will respect the Governor’s revised orders, but we will continue with our measures and public warnings of the dangers which COVID-19 brings to all age groups.

The Governor’s Public Health Disaster Emergency Executive Order extension can be viewed here: https://www.in.gov/gov/files/Executive%20Order%2020-44%20Seventh%20Renewal%20of%20Emergency%20Declaration.pdf

Free COVID-19 Testing Available in New Albany

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Free COVID-19 testing is available in the City of New Albany! Tests are administered by the local health department at the 4-H Fairgrounds (2818 Green Valley Road) 6 days a week (Monday-Saturday).

Those wishing to be tested should bring proof of Indiana residency. To avoid long wait times, please register for an appointment at https://scheduling.coronavirus.in.gov/Home/LocationSelection

You can also schedule an appointment by calling 812-948-4726.

With recent outbreaks in the State of Indiana, we encourage everyone to continue wearing a mask, practice good hand-washing, and continue following social distancing guidelines.