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A Statement From Mayor Gahan on Today’s Actions

“I’m pleased to announce that today, the City of New Albany took swift action to help bring some relief to those in need and who have been suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic. Armed with the newly acquired Rescue Plan Funds from President Joe Biden and the 117th American Congress, Commissioners from the New Albany Redevelopment Commission took steps to deliver aid and financial support to three celebrated non-profit organizations in the City of New Albany. I am proud that we were able to work together to quickly provide financial assistance to those who need it the most. We are committed to using these Rescue Funds to help residents, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and others to rebuild from this ferocious attack on our nation’s health. I want to thank the New Albany City Council for their bipartisan support to help expedite the use of these funds to promote health, healing, and to hasten our local economic recovery.” – Mayor Jeff Gahan

NARC Pushes Funds into Service to Combat Key Issues

At today’s meeting, three initial program allotments were approved by the New Albany Redevelopment Commission (NARC). $50,000 in financial assistance was approved to three organizations: Dare to Care, Hope Southern Indiana, and Our Place Drug and Alcohol Services. Together, these three organizations provide immense assistance with several key issues and problems that communities can face, like food insecurity, eviction protections, utility assistance and/or prevention of disconnection, assistance to veterans, homeless and substance abuse assistance, mental health assistance, addiction services, and more.

Brief History of the American Rescue Plan

In early March, the American Rescue Plan was signed into law. As part of this plan, the City of New Albany is expected to receive a total allotment of $16.83 million to help aid in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The first half has already been received by the city of New Albany, and the second half is expected sometime next year.

The New Albany City Council has, through a bipartisan 5-3 vote, tasked the New Albany Redevelopment Commission (NARC) with implementing programs and funds from the American Rescue Plan. The NARC has vast experience dealing with federal programs and guidelines, as well as having a staff in place to help quickly get these rescue funds into service.

NARC Adopts Rules and Internal Controls for ARP Funds

At today’s NARC meeting, the board adopted rules, policies, and internal controls for administering the American Rescue Plan. The rules mirror the language that was passed by the 117th Congress and includes strict guidelines on what the funds can be used for.

Further Reading and Past Actions:

A Statement from Mayor Gahan on the American Rescue Plan


New Albany Receives Community Crossings Grant

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The City of New Albany was awarded $1 million as part of the State of Indiana’s Community Crossings Grant. Community Crossings is a matching grant program that helps cities across Indiana make improvements to local roads. At Tuesday’s Board of Public Works and Safety meeting, the board took bids under advisement from multiple contractors for this year’s annual paving project.

Over $2 million worth of paving is expected to be completed this year. While this year’s paving will include some repair work on major thoroughfares like Charlestown Road, the majority of the paving will be in neighborhood streets. Stay tuned for a full list of roadways expected to be paved this season.



Bridge inspections were completed on April 15 as part of the Sherman Minton Renewal project. The inspection work will verify bridge repairs planned for construction which is scheduled to start in June of this year.

Prior to the commencement of bridge repairs crews will make improvements to alternate routes, including some of the ramps at the I-65/I-265 interchange and the I-64/I-265 interchange. The ramp improvements, scheduled to begin May 17 and lasting approximately two weeks, will require shoulder restrictions. The timeline is subject to change due to potential weather delays.

The ramp movements and interstate lanes that will be affected by the construction are:

I-65 / I-265 Interchange

I-265 east to I-65 south ramp

I-65 south reduced to 2 lanes at I-265 overpass

I-64 / I-265 Interchange

I-265 to I-64 west ramp

I-64 east to I-265 ramp

I-64 westbound reduced to 2 lanes at Captain Frank Road

Reduced speed signs will be posted during construction in these areas and workers will be present. Please be safe, obey all signage, and don’t drive distracted.

Following completion of the ramp improvements, lane restrictions on the Sherman Minton Bridge will begin in early June. This will reduce both eastbound and westbound traffic to two lanes in each direction in preparation of painting and deck replacement. A detailed update on this work will be provided in the coming weeks. 


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The City of New Albany Redevelopment Commission is completing sidewalk improvements along Elm Street, from Vincennes to Silver. The work will be completed by AllTerrain Paving and Construction, LLC. Construction is anticipated to start early next week (4/26), depending on weather.

Letters should have been distributed last week to residents and businesses in the affected area. While parking will be limited while construction is ongoing, the City will make every effort to minimize any inconvenience caused by construction.

For more details, or for any questions or concerns regarding the project, please contact the following project managers listed here:

City of New Albany
Larry Summers, City Engineer

AllTerrain Paving & Construction, LLC
Steven Oakes, Project Manager

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we work on these important infrastructure projects for the Elm Street neighborhood.