NAPD Welcomes Two New Officers to the Ranks
/Harrison Clayton
Two new officers were sworn into the New Albany Police Department recently.
Harrison Clayton attended high school at Washington High School in Indiana before graduating from Indiana University. He previously worked with the I.U. Campus Police Department, and more recently served as a 1st and 4th Division patrolman with the Louisville Metro Police Department. Harrison is 25 years old, and currently resides in Floyds Knobs.
Nick Watson, 31, is a former New Albany Bulldog. Previously, Nick worked for the Floyd County Sherrif’s Department, servings as a Correctional Officer in the Floyd County Jail. He also served as a Court Officer at the City-County Building in downtown New Albany. Nick currently resides in New Albany.
Nick Watson
Both Harrison and Nick are currently in the beginning stages of their field training, which will last approximately 6 months. During this training, they learn all of the tactics, policies, and procedures of being a New Albany police officer, including classes on criminal law, traffic law, defensive tactics, how to properly handle domestic situations, and how to conduct themselves as police officers.
“Both Clayton and Watson have strong backgrounds and will make fine additions to our New Albany Police family and the community at large,” stated New Albany Police Chief Todd Bailey.
We would like to officially welcome Harrison and Nick to the New Albany Police Department, and wish them long, safe, and fulfilling careers.