Mayor Gahan Appoints Kenneth Brooks to Human Rights Commission

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Earlier this month, Mr. Cliff Staten submitted a resignation letter to the Human Rights Commission. Mr. Staten will be moving to Florida and will no longer be able to serve on the Commission.

In order to fill this vacancy, Mayor Gahan is pleased to appoint Mr. Kenneth Brooks to serve on the Human Rights Commission. Mr. Brooks is a U.S. Navy Veteran and a retired small businessman.

“I believe I offer the commission a unique perspective and skill set,” stated Mr. Brooks. “I am a service veteran offering the benefit of experiences learned from working with a diverse team for our national good. As someone who has been both an employee and a small business owner, I can offer unique experiences felt by both positions. As an African American, I have experienced the challenges our community faces in overcoming bias based on race and other identity.”

“I appreciate Mr. Brooks stepping up to serve on the Human Rights Commission,” stated Mayor Jeff Gahan. “He has accepted and committed to a 3 year term and we are grateful for his service to New Albany.”